Turn up the volume on speaker sales

Amplify your ecommerce strategy for speakers and soundbars with Magpie DBX

speakers header collage

How it works

We collect the data

Magpie DBX automates the collection of data across the entire digital shelf. We pride ourselves on our scale, quality, and speed

We give you insight

Between our dashboard, reports, and Insights Team, we will highlight how your brand performance is changing across the key factors to success

You take action

With the right data and insights behind you, you're now in the best position to take appropriate action that will strengthen your market share

You sell more products

Putting it all together, Magpie DBX will help you sell more products online

Listen to your pricing data

When you hear what prices your partner websites are selling your products at, it should be music to your ears. But what if the truth doesn’t sound as sweet as you thought it would? 

Change the record on your ecommerce pricing with updated data from across the digital shelf. Be it your prices, or your competitors, we will track what matters most to you. This allows you to make meaningful changes for your business and enjoy the tune of more sales.

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Crank your search results up

If your speakers or soundbars are underperforming across partner search result pages, we can fix that.

Our search and product prominence modules will give you accurate details about relevant terms, categories, and subcategories, helping you take action to secure the sought after top spots.

Insights you'll love to hear about

We’ve got our ears to the ground. Our Insights Team only gathers information that’s pertinent to your business, be it speaker-related or concerning wider industry trends. 

We monitor everything from new product launches to key retail periods, so you always know how best to drive both performance and sales.

lightbulb in front of a browser window

Monitoring the industry's biggest brands

Magpie DBX keeps tabs on all the leading speaker and soundbar manufacturers.

We will help you benchmark and optimise against your competition, leading to increased sales.

Magpie DBX speakers brands

Cut through the noise so you can sell more speakers

No matter what part of the business you’re in, Magpie DBX can help you achieve your team’s goals:

Pick a role and discover what we can do for you​

Pump up your business development jam with Magpie DBX!

Be it finding the correct price points for your products or understanding where stock tends to sell out fastest, our suite of tools is well equipped to help you grow your speaker sales.

Search prominence icon

Search Prominence

Rank better for the search terms that matter. We will help your speakers appear more prominently on partner websites, leading to more sales.
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Product prominence icon

Product Prominence

We know speakers are meant to be discreet, but a lack of online presence could cost you sales. Find out where your product visibility needs improvement and fix it for continued ecommerce success.
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Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Want to know how high your brand appears on crucial pages, such as a retailer’s homepage? What about how far back it’s displayed in image carousels vs the competition? Learn how much your company really stands out with our proven prominence scoring system.
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Stock and delivery icon

Stock and Delivery

Do you have supply chain issues? Discover where problems lie and take actions that improve your availability.
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How your speakers are priced compared to the rest of the market will have a direct bearing on sales.

Price is one of the biggest factors attracting customers to your speakers. We’ll show you exactly how your products compare price-wise with the rest of the market on any given day. Price smarter and start selling more.

Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

We track your competitors' pricing and promotions activity, as well as your own, so you are always one step ahead.
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Magpie Intelligence icon

Magpie Intelligence

Your essential playlist for industry information. Receive tailored insights so your business has the best chance of selling more speakers.
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Looking to make some noise with your marketing? We can help!

Where and how you present your ecommerce brand affects sales, and products like speakers and soundbars need effective positioning to attract attention in an increasingly crowded electronics marketplace. Magpie DBX shows the strengths and weaknesses of your current prominence level, helping you identify key areas for improvement.

Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Want to know how high your brand appears on crucial pages, such as a retailer’s homepage? What about how far back it’s displayed in image carousels vs the competition? Learn how much your company really stands out with our proven prominence scoring system.
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Brand experience icon

Brand Experience

Set the same tone across the digital shelf. Discover which partner websites are using non-compliant branding and take appropriate steps to rectify this.
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Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

Stay one step ahead of the competition by pricing better and reacting faster to competitor promotions.
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In the competitive world of selling speakers, the right insights speak volumes.

Our modules don’t just look at your online activity; they also monitor that of your competitors. This way, you’re aware of the market as a whole as well as where you stand in it – and where you need to improve.

Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

If you experience a downturn when selling speakers, we can help you figure out why. Keep tabs on your competitor’s pricing and promotions so you are always one step ahead.
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Product prominence icon

Product Prominence

We know speakers are meant to be discreet, but a lack of online presence could cost you sales. Find out where your product visibility needs improvement and fix it for continued ecommerce success.
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Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Want to know how high your brand appears on crucial pages, such as a retailer’s homepage? What about how far back it’s displayed in image carousels vs the competition? Learn how much your company really stands out with our proven prominence scoring system.
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Magpie Intelligence icon

Magpie Intelligence

Your essential playlist for industry information. Receive tailored insights so your business has the best chance of selling more speakers.
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Why use Magpie DBX ?


We collect all the data you need across the entire digital shelf before you’re even awake. When you log on each morning the data you need will be there.


The accuracy of our data is unrivalled. Between our automated gathering of data, our data quarantine, our quality assurance processes, and standardisation, you will only deal with the absolute truth.


We've been flying the online skies for over 10 years now and know what we are doing. That’s why the world’s leading brands trust us. We are best placed to help guide you on your digital shelf journey.

It’s not just speakers

Whatever you sell online, Magpie DBX is here for you. Be it smartphones, TVs, or other household appliances, we can track it. Whether it’s insights or raw data you need, we can look after your entire digital shelf catalogue. 

From providing snapshots of key ecommerce channels to helping determine your strongest (and weakest) performing areas, Magpie DBX shows you where to take meaningful action online. 

Collage of Magpie DBX module elements and an image showing a TV

Book a demo

Want to learn more about how Magpie DBX can help your business? Get in touch with us and let us show you!

  • Designed to help you increase sales
  • Tailored to suit your business needs
  • Full support available
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