Product prominence icon

Product Prominence

Understand product visibility, boost your market position, make more sales

product prominence collage


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Why use Product Prominence ?

See how your products compete

Magpie DBX analyses all products on key categories and filters to tell you just how visible (or invisible) your products are vs. your competitors. The lower your position the worse you'll be performing - let us help you fix that.

Know where to make meaningful changes

Same day data across your partner websites lets you instantly see where your products are performing well online - and which need the most attention. With worldwide coverage, Magpie DBX will aid you in the most critical markets.

Increase your market presence

Use our insights to work with partners to solve product ranking problems. Open up discussions and do what’s needed to get your key products higher in the areas that matter. This in turn will see you make more sales and boost your ROI.

Your path to greater discoverability

We collect the data

Magpie DBX automates the collection of data across the entire digital shelf. We pride ourselves on our scale, quality, and speed

We give you insight

Between our dashboard, reports, and Insights Team, we will highlight how your brand performance is changing across the key factors to success

You take action

With the right data and insights behind you, you're now in the best position to take appropriate action that will strengthen your market share

You sell more products

Putting it all together, Magpie DBX will help you sell more products online

How Product Prominence will help you

Performance at a glance

Receive top-level insights about your product prominence. Gain immediate visibility of your share of shelf across key categories, sub-categories and filters. Want to understand why a competitor’s product could be outperforming your own? Looking for more visibility ahead of a big launch? We can help!

product prominence - site overall performance
tvs - absence report

Discover where your products are missing

Harnessing the power of AI, Magpie DBX pinpoints missing opportunities and collates detailed reports for all your absent products.

You can’t sell what isn’t listed –  action these quick wins and see a boost in ROI. 

Site by site performance

Monitor key partner sites across the world and easily see where you’re winning or losing. This way, you have all the information required to make meaningful long-term business changes that drive sales and growth. 

product prominence - reports
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Instant insights

There’s no need for manual data analysis; Magpie DBX automatically does it for you!

Get same-day insights which are ready for you when you log in each morning.

Between our automatic reports and our dedicated Insights Team, you will save time, energy, and money across your business.

Drill down to what matters

With Magpie DBX, you can concentrate on the areas that matter most to your business. Be it specific retailers, sponsored listings on primary categories, target subcategories, or important filters, our system can be tailored to suit you.

This in turn simplifies management tasks, reduces digital clutter, and empowers you to efficiently achieve your sales objectives.

product prominence - site subcategories performance
tvs - product prominence reports by url - listing breakdown

Proof behind the numbers

We show you the numbers and the evidence about how your products appear online! Our accurate system not only gathers same day data but also provides you the screen grabs and time stamps to prove it.

Use this as proof of commercial agreement violations, or part of your discussions with partners to boost positions, and in turn, your ROI. 

Data, however you need it

Product data is available from Magpie DBX in the following formats:

  • CSV downloads
  • API
  • Historical charts
  • Email alerts
  • 24/7 online dashboards
data how you want it graphic

Unlimited access for your whole business

With Magpie DBX, you get unlimited user integrations at no additional cost.

That means you, your team, key stakeholders, and anyone else  in the company can be given the access they need.

And because permissions can be granted on a user by user basis, only relevant parties see what needs to be seen. 

Get a clearer picture with more modules

Our modules work best when combined with others to give you a full picture of how your brand is performing online.

Use product prominence  alongside our Brand and Search tools so you can see where visibility is strongest (and weakest) and make meaningful changes where necessary across the digital shelf.

Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Ever wondered how prominent your brand is vs. the competition? Using intelligent algorithms, Magpie DBX combines various digital shelf criteria to generate a meaningful prominence score for your brand, so you know exactly how you’re appearing and where improvements need to be made.

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Search Prominence

Search Prominence not only lets you see where your brand is ranking for key on-site search terms, but also how competitor activity is affecting your visibility on search result pages. Use our insights to stay on top for the terms that matter.

Book a demo

Want to learn more about how Magpie DBX can help your business? Get in touch with us and let us show you!

  • Designed to help you increase sales
  • Tailored to suit your business needs
  • Full support available
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