Tag: ecommerce

How to create a digital shelf strategy

Shoppers love looking at things, and if you want your business to succeed, you’d better make sure your products are as appealing across the digital shelf – where they’re housed online – as they are within a physical retail space.

What is product cannibalisation?

As a thriving business, launching products is always an exciting time.

You’ve got the initial anticipation, then the launch date itself, and finally (hopefully) the inflated sales figures that follow.

But some companies experience negative consequences on the digital shelf after releasing the brand-new product they’ve worked so hard to perfect; instead of attracting customers from other brands, they end up stealing sales from themselves. This can be explained through one increasingly common phenomenon: product cannibalisation.

In this article, we look at product cannibalisation in detail, covering what it is, the potential causes and impact, as well as tips on how to avoid making the same mistakes as other businesses.

Omnichannel vs multichannel ecommerce: What’s the difference?

Those who work in the worlds of business or marketing may have come across the terms ‘omnichannel’ and ‘multichannel’ at some point.

But what exactly do they mean?

Also, more importantly, how do they affect the way your company interacts with customers?

In this article, we look at both omnichannel ecommerce and multichannel ecommerce, exploring what makes each approach unique and how to decide which one is right for you.

What is omnichannel ecommerce?

In the old days, marketing was very much about showing people where to find brick and mortar stores that sold their favourite products.

Now, though, things have changed.

Thanks to the internet, companies can now use many different channels to present their brands and products to the world. Using a combination of channels in an effective omnichannel ecommerce strategy can mean big success.

In this article, we look at omnichannel ecommerce, explaining what it is, why it’s important and how you can use it to help grow your business on the digital shelf.

How to maximise digital shelf visibility

Appearing on the digital shelf involves more than just listing your products across multiple channels.

It’s about making sure that you’re presenting them in the right way, so that customers will keep using your brand because they trust that you can deliver.

But retaining customers means first maximising your digital shelf visibility, which is tricky given how crowded the online space has become.

In this article, we look at why digital shelf visibility is so important, as well as suggesting ways of appearing more visible across the internet.

What is brand compliance?

Never underestimate the power of a clearly aligned brand. Consistency and integration are both key if you want your company to succeed online.

But how do you make your brand ‘compliant’? What are the steps involved?

In this article, we take a closer look at brand compliance and show you ways of boosting your company’s appeal across the digital landscape.

What is digital shelf analytics?

Standing out on the digital shelf means staying one step ahead of your competitors. But how do you know where to focus? What do today’s most successful ecommerce companies look like?

That’s where digital shelf analytics comes in.

In this article, we explore digital shelf analytics and discover why understanding it is essential for growing your brand online.

How to win at the digital shelf

One of the most important aspects of e-commerce is success on the digital shelf. But how do you make those crucial online gains your business needs to survive?

The digital shelf is where you get noticed, the place where your brand has the most opportunity to shine. And with an increasing number of people shopping online, knowing how to win at the digital shelf could be what catapults your company to a whole new level.

In this article, we show you how to win at the digital shelf, including ways that Magpie DBX can help your business shoot for the (virtual) stars.

Manufacturer price monitoring: How to stay ahead of the game (and your competitors)

If you’re a manufacturer and you’re not monitoring prices, you’re missing a trick. 

In fact, a trick might be an understatement. In 2022, data is gold, and pricing data is gold dust. 

If you’re not keeping on top of your own prices, then who is? 

In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about price monitoring, including what it is and how it can help manufacturers like yourself. We’ll even include a living, breathing example of how our own monitoring tool has helped revolutionise a global brand’s pricing strategy. 

Let’s get started.  

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