10 ways to support brand optimisation for ecommerce

Are you using online brand optimisation for ecommerce to help drive conversions?

If so, fantastic. If not, boo!

Staying relevant as a business on the digital shelf means frequently checking that your ecommerce content is in tip-top shape.

But how will you know which areas to focus on?

We’ve put together this handy guide to help you make the right decisions when it comes to online brand optimisation for ecommerce.

What is ecommerce optimisation?

Allowing customers to convert much easier, ecommerce optimisation is the process of making improvements to your website and other key sales channels.

According to a recent study, when asked about attitudes towards online shopping, 50% of UK respondents do research on the internet before they purchase a product. This makes winning at the digital shelf more important than ever, and to do that, you need to fully optimise for ecommerce.

Whether dazzling shoppers with a new design or updating product copy so it includes the most relevant info, there’s plenty of things you can do to potentially increase your online sales.

1) Add product recommendations

Customers will come to your website looking for specific products. So, make sure you signpost them clearly with product recommendations!

By including these products in your landing page display, you help guide their user journey and hopefully persuade them to convert. You may even tempt them into buying a few extra products along the way…

2) Create informative, compelling content

No one wants to see out-of-date (or worse, redundant) information on your product pages.

Failure to update your listings with relevant content that also grabs customers’ attention will seriously harm your brand compliance, which inevitably leads to diminished sales.

Remember to be as informative and engaging as possible with your content, and don’t be afraid to experiment with more dynamic examples like video reviews. This could prompt an entirely new demographic to look favourably on your brand.

Need more help with brand compliance? Take a look at our checklist.

3) Make your website easy to navigate

Online shoppers are busy people; they want to make their purchases quickly and easily. If they can’t, well, be prepared for them to buy elsewhere!

One way you can help keep customers coming back is making your website easier to navigate. Remove any unnecessary steps from your website and focus on keeping things simple for your target audience. Believe it or not, they’ll thank you massively.

4) Strengthen user experience across your channels

Elaborating on that previous point, you’d also do well to improve your user experience (UX) across your website and any other key sales channels.

UX is all about helping your online presence feel more customer-focused. So, whether you’re doing away with excessive pop-up ads or including a chatbot for extra support, make sure yours is a brand shoppers can count on for smooth buying.

5) Include wish lists or favourites

Aspirations are a great way to incentivize customers to keep returning to your ecommerce store. Maybe they want a product but can’t quite afford it right away, or perhaps they think it’d make a great gift later. 

Either way, wish lists and favourites will give them a hub from which to get inspired about their purchases, before eventually converting them when the time is right.

6) Simplify your checkout process

As mentioned above, customers want simplicity when they buy on the digital shelf. If they don’t get it, checkout abandonment will occur, and that sale you really wanted just disappears into cyberspace.

Keep your checkout process to a maximum of three steps (maybe four or five with bonus perks). This way, your customers won’t be turned off by how long it’s taking them to actually buy your product!

7) Be more active on social media

Your social media platforms are where your company’s humanity should shine through. For too many years, customers have felt that brands are way too hidden behind their corporate facades. Now, with social media, everything has changed.

Maintaining an active social media presence is key to making full use of your ecommerce potential. Different social media sites and apps are where different demographics talk about their interests and livelihoods; you can tap into this key information to get them to love your brand above all others!

8) Build an email list – then automate

Email marketing has limitless creative potential, and for your brand, it could be an untapped source of revenue.

A few key areas to remember with email marketing are:

  • Snappy subject lines
  • Clear, concise content
  • Seasonal possibilities
  • Exclusive promos

Optimising your email strategy around even a couple of these areas could mean better results when it comes to customer engagement – and potential conversion.

9) Collect and respond to customer feedback

Listening to what shoppers have to say about your brand is part and parcel of running an ecommerce business. The same goes for implementing necessary change.

Of course, you can’t take positive action against every piece of negative customer criticism; that would be impossible, and could even be seen as pandering by some buyers. 

Instead, aim to collect, collate and understand shopper sentiment. This way, any repeat causes for concern that do arise can be dealt with immediately.

10) Start split testing your campaigns

As the old saying goes, “You never know unless you try.”

Every ecommerce campaign you run should be looked upon as a learning opportunity.

A-B testing is one way to garner lots of information from your campaigns. Using digital shelf analytics, make sure you obtain plenty of data based on any specific KPIs you wish to monitor. Once the campaign has finished, you can compare results with a view to capitalising on what went well – besides improving things where needed next time.

Improve online brand optimisation for ecommerce with Magpie DBX

Are you looking for a clearer picture of your ecommerce brand? Magpie DBX can help!

Our Brand prominence tool provides you with advanced analysis of your brand’s online footprint, highlighting to what extent it is visible (or invisible!) on the digital shelf.

Likewise, our Brand compliance monitor shows you how your partners are displaying your products, so you can act quickly if any urgent changes are needed.

Excited about supporting your online brand optimisation for ecommerce with Magpie? Get in touch to request a free demo!

For more helpful marketing guides, be sure to check out our social media.

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