Connect more customers to your mobile network

Price your SIM plans better, get seen more, and boost your sales with Magpie DBX

mobile networks collage

How it works

We collect the data

Magpie DBX automates the collection of data across the entire digital shelf. We pride ourselves on our scale, quality, and speed

We give you insight

Between our dashboard, reports, and Insights Team, we will highlight how your brand performance is changing across the key factors to success

You take action

With the right data and insights behind you, you're now in the best position to take appropriate action that will strengthen your market share

You sell more products

Putting it all together, Magpie DBX will help you sell more products online

Compare your network pricing alongside other providers

Customers care how much they pay when switching to a new mobile network. Price yourself too high and you could alienate your audience; too low and you risk looking cheap.

Magpie DBX helps reveal how your current price model compares with other mobile networks on the digital shelf, so you can see where customers are most receptive to your pricing and where you need to make changes to increase sales. Be it SIM Only deals, or complex contract pricing, we can track it.

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Get your network to number one

Staying on top of key categories and search results pages is a must for online visibility. But how do you ensure the rankings favour your brand?

With our brand prominence toolkit, you’ll know exactly where (and how) you’re appearing across the digital shelf. We’ll also show you where the biggest search and branding opportunities are, so you have the best chance of not only winning top positions, but retaining them  for your network.

Insights that help you stay in sync

Identifying black spots for your mobile network’s ecommerce presence is one thing; understanding what they mean is quite another.

Fortunately, our Insights Team can make sense of any and all information regarding your needs as a provider retailing online. Whether you want details around key sales periods or how competitor product launches are impacting your market share, we’ve got the tools you need to streamline both performance and sales.

lightbulb in front of a browser window

Monitoring the industry's biggest brands

Magpie DBX keeps tabs on the World’s leading mobile networks.

No matter the country or continent, we will help you benchmark and optimise against your competition, leading to increased sales.

Magpie DBX mobile network leading brands that are tracked

Call out your network as the standout choice

No matter what part of the business you’re in, Magpie DBX can help you achieve your team’s goals:

Pick a role and discover what we can do for you​

In the crowded market of mobile operators, you need a stronger connection with your customer base.

Our modules have been created to help streamline entire ecommerce strategies, from pricing and brand prominence all the way through to stocking and final delivery. If you’re looking to grow your business online, we’ve got the tools to help you succeed.

Search prominence icon

Search Prominence

Supercharge your network’s search visibility with Magpie DBX. We can help you appear more prominently on partner websites, as well as ranking for key terms that matter to your business.
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Product prominence icon

Product Prominence

As a mobile provider, your products should be appearing prominently if you want to maintain a strong sales trajectory. Magpie DBX not only identifies gaps in product visibility but also offers insights tailored to your business, so you can attract more customers.
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Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Whether you want to gauge how high up your brand appears in crucial spots, or see how far back you're displayed on image carousels vs. the competition, our proven prominence scores show just how much your company really stands out online.
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Not sure how well-priced you are compared to other providers?

Without a clear pricing strategy, you could be leaking sales to your competitors. And at a time when mobile tariffs are more essential than ever, customers expect good value for money from whichever network they pick.

Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

Understand competitor price and promotional activity as well as your own with Magpie DBX. Receive the digital shelf intel you need to stay one step ahead in your ecommerce efforts.
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Magpie Intelligence icon

Magpie Intelligence

Uncover all sorts of details to help you sell more products. From Pay As You Go vs. SIM only trends to wider mobile market shifts, we’ve got eyes where your business needs them the most.
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Send out the right signals with your marketing!

Mobile networks need to be customer-friendly if the long-term goal is attracting more users. By closely examining areas such as brand prominence and experience, Magpie DBX highlights where you’re performing well and falling behind, so you know where to focus future campaigns.

Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Whether you want to gauge how high up your brand appears in crucial spots, or see how far back you're displayed on image carousels vs. the competition, our proven prominence scores show just how much your company really stands out online.
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Brand experience icon

Brand Experience

Ensure your mobile network is displayed correctly. We can help you uncover instances of non-compliant media use, inappropriate branding, and more, helping to safeguard your company image across the digital shelf.
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Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

Understand competitor price and promotional activity as well as your own with Magpie DBX. Receive the digital shelf intel you need to stay one step ahead in your ecommerce efforts.
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Only by better understanding your competitors’ activity can you know how to grow your network.

We’ve got the tools to show you the mobile market as a whole on the digital shelf and how your company fits into it, helping you pinpoint key areas for improvement.

Price and promotions tracker

Price and Promotions Tracker

Monitor competitor price and promotional activity as well as your own with Magpie DBX. Receive the digital shelf intel you need to stay one step ahead in your ecommerce efforts.
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Product prominence icon

Product Prominence

Your products should be appearing prominently if you want to maintain a strong sales trajectory. Magpie DBX not only identifies gaps in product visibility but also offers insights tailored to your business, so you can attract more customers.
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Brand Prominence icon

Brand Prominence

Whether you want to gauge how high up your brand appears in crucial spots, or see how far back you're displayed on image carousels vs. the competition, our proven prominence scores show just how much your company really stands out online.
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Magpie Intelligence icon

Magpie Intelligence

Uncover all sorts of details to help you sell more products. From Pay As You Go vs. SIM only trends to wider mobile market shifts, we’ve got eyes where your business needs them the most.
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Why use Magpie DBX ?


We collect all the data you need across the entire digital shelf before you’re even awake. When you log on each morning the data you need will be there.


The accuracy of our data is unrivalled. Between our automated gathering of data, our data quarantine, our quality assurance processes, and standardisation, you will only deal with the absolute truth.


We've been flying the online skies for over 10 years now and know what we are doing. That’s why the world’s leading brands trust us. We are best placed to help guide you on your digital shelf journey.

It’s not just mobile networks

Magpie DBX can help you manage all sorts of products across the digital shelf. Whether you sell smartphones, headphones, or any other consumer electronics, we’ve got the tools to monitor key ecommerce retail areas, with a view to driving more long-term sales.

As well as providing up-to-date data, Magpie DBX also delivers meaningful insights to support your online strategies. This allows you to focus on making important changes where they’re needed most.

Collage of Magpie DBX module elements and an image showing a smartphone

Book a demo

Want to learn more about how Magpie DBX can help your business? Get in touch with us and let us show you!

  • Designed to help you increase sales
  • Tailored to suit your business needs
  • Full support available
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